The Website Dept. by onetechgirl
The Website Dept. by onetechgirl

Website Onboarding

Website Onboarding

Anticipate setting aside 20-30 minutes for this process, so please block off this duration on your agenda. It's crucial that you finish it thoroughly and to the highest degree possible. 

Anticipate setting aside 20-30 minutes for this process, so please block off this duration on your agenda. It's crucial that you finish it thoroughly and to the highest degree possible. 

Step 1: Invoice and Service Agreement

Step 1: Invoice and Service Agreement

You should have gotten an email enclosing the service contract. Kindly read, sign it, ensure the e-signature tool transmits it back. You'll also find a link for settling the initial invoice. Kindly clear that invoice, then return here to proceed with the onboarding process.

Step 2: Assets and Audience

Step 2: Assets and Audience

Step 2: Assets and Audience

This is our means of acquiring crucial details about your business that expedite the project's kick-off. Below is a link to a form; we urge you not to rush through it and be as detailed as possible. The more insights we gather here, the more effective we can be. Move on to fill out the form, then come back here to continue with the subsequent steps.

Step 3: Communication

Step 3: Communication

Step 3: Communication

We employ Slack as our main communication asset, kindly install it on your smartphone or desktop. Once we get the completed questionnaire from Step 2, we'll invite you into an exclusive contact channel. Let me know if you have any issues.

Step 4: Thank You

Step 4: Thank You

Step 4: Thank You

We want to seize this opportunity to express our gratitude for your completion of this onboarding sequence. Now, we have all the necessary details to begin. Any queries or confusions, please feel free to reach out in Slack. We're thrilled to have you on board and looking forward to partnering with you in the upcoming weeks.

See ya!

Brand Strategy Call
